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10/09/2022, 07:30 pm, BODO Cinema, AnimaDocPANORAMA I (65:00)
Chicago, ecology, pandemic, nature versus human condition, artificial intelligence surveillance, crisis in the Mediterranean Sea and ... Wawel Dragon! An amazing panorama of films from Austria, Brazil, China, Ecuador, India, Iran, South Korea, Nigeria, Portugal and Great Britain.

11/09/2022, 07:30 pm, BODO Cinema, AnimaDocPANORAMA II (56:00)
Amazon rainforest, karaoke, violence in couples, the Nicaraguan Revolution, Non-Playable Characters, soybeans, volcanoes and an underground radio network fighting fascism during the Salvadoran civil war. You will learn about these and other amazing stories during the second part of the AnimaDoc PANORAMA. The program includes films from Brazil, Germany, Nicaragua, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine and the USA.

Rising of Lusitania / Animation Across Borders

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