From burning world issues to personal family stories and intimate confidences. From the revision of historical events to topics of exclusion in various aspects. From portraits of people to portraits of cities. The creators of animated documentaries take up various topics, look for a suitable means of expression using the unlimited possibilities of animation. By often asking difficult questions, they inspire critical thinking and to search for not easy answers. At II Rising of Lusitania AnimaDoc Film Festival, 130 submissions (2017-2020) came from 39 countries, including such surprising ones as Congo, Myanmar, Oman, Senegal, or Yemen. Finally, 36 films were accepted into the competition: 33 animated documentaries and 3 animated mockumentary; 9 student films and 27 professional films. The films will be judged by a three-person jury composed of Marcin Podolec (Poland; comic artist, director, animator, producer; works mostly on animated documentaries), Agnieszka Powierska (Poland; film and museum educator, focusing on the animated documentaries) and Denis Viren (Russia; senior researcher/lecturer). The festival will take place on 19 - 22 March 2020 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk and at the ŁAŹNIA Center of Contemporary Art in Gdansk. As part of the festival, there will also be a scientific conference on animated documentaries.
Rising of Lusitania AnimaDoc Film Festival began its maiden voyage in 2019 in Liverpool (UK). This year's stop will be a Polish port city with a great history in the background - Gdańsk.
A CAT IS ALWAYS FEMALE (Croatia 2019, 15:45), Dir.: Martina Meštrović, Tanja Vujasinovic | Kreativni sindikat
A STRANGE TRIAL (Switzerland 2018, 10:00), Dir. Marcel Barelli | Nadasdyfilm
AMERIGO AND THE NEW WORLD (France/Chile 2019, 13:46), Dir. Luis Briceno & Laurent Crouzeix | Metronomic
ASMAHAN THE DIVA (France 2019, 6:00), Dir. Chloe Mazlo | Causette Prod
ALMA (Serbia 2018, 07:44), Dir.: Nebojsa Petrovic, Demir Mekic | Belgrade Centre for Human Rights
BATH HOUSE OF WHALES (Japan 2019, 06:34), Dir.: Mizuki Kiyama | STUDENT (Tokyo University of the Arts)
BEAR WITH ME (Netherlands 2019, 04:50), Dir. Daphna Awadish | STUDENT (AKV St. Joost Master Institute)
BREXICUTED (France 2018, 06:00), Dir.: Chris Shepherd | Autour de Minuit
BUTTERFLIES IN BERLIN-DIARY OF A SOUL SPLIT IN TWO (Germany/Italy 2019, 29:55), Dir.: Monica Manganelli | Alexandra Film / Latteplus
CARNE (Brazil 2019, 12:00), Dir.: Camila Kater | Abano Productions
CHIN UP (UK 2018, 04:41), Dir.: Joanne Salmon | LoveLove Films
DEEP LOVE (Ukraine 2019, 14:00), Dir.: Mykyta Lyskov | T.T.M.
DANI'S FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST (UK 2018, 05:00), Kate Anderson, Sonia Kneepkens & Fan Sissoko | The Migration Museum
DOCTOR LHOMME (France 2019, 14:40), Dir.: Florent Morin | Miyu Production
FIFTEEN-TWO (UK 2019, 04:53), Dir.: John Summerson | STUDENT (Royal College of Art)
HALF A LIFE (Egypt/The Netherlands/USA 2017, 12:28), Dir.: Tamara Shogaolu | Ado Ato Pictures
HOME (UK 2019, 07:51), Dir.: Anita Brūvere | Nodachi LTD
I BLEED (Brazil 2019, 07:15), Dir.: Thiago Minamisawa, Guto Br, Bruno H. Castro | Thiago Minamisawa
INSIDE ME (Germany 2019, 05:00), Dir.: Maria Trigo Teixeira | STUDENT (Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf)
IT WAS COMING TOWARDS! (Hungary 2017, 09:45), Dir.: Lívia Janoch | STUDENT (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design)
LIMBO (Myanmar/Germany 2018, 05:00), Dir.: Che Soe Nwaye Zar and 2 more | STUDENT (Yangon Film School)
MACHINI (Congo/Belgium 2019, 10:00), Dir.: Frank Mukunday and Tétshim | PICHA
MAKUN (NO LLORES): DIBUJOS EN UN C.I.E. (Spain 2019, 30:00), Dir.: Emilio Martí López | Emilio Martí López
MICRODISTRICT (Bulgaria/UK 2017, 04:00), Dir.: Ivelina Ivanova | STUDENT (University of Westminster)
O HUNTER HEART (2018 UK/Germany, 07:20), Dir.: Carla MacKinnon | Carla MacKinnon
POLARBARRY - LET’S BREAK THE ICE!! - VLOG #207 (UK/The Nederlands 2019, 04:37), Dir.: Wouter Dijkstra | STUDENT (Hogeschool van de Kunsten Utrecht)
SELFIES (Switzerland 2018, 03:40), Dir.: Claudius Gentinetta | GENTINETTAFILM
THE BILL JENNINGS MYSTERIES (USA 2019, 03:48), Dir.: Alan Jennings | Alan Jennings
THE DITCH (Spain 2017, 07:20), Dir.: Atxur Animazio Taldea | Lekuk Kultur Elkartea
THE JUGGLER (Brazil 2018, 11:00), Dir.: Iuri Moreno | Caolha Filmes
THE LAST CINEMA (Poland 2019, 11:48), Dir.: Kajetan Pochylski | PROJEKT-FILM
THE THU AIR AIGEANN M' INNTINN (UK/Netherlands 2018, 6:00), Dir.: Catriona Black | Am Bocsa
THEMES (Croatia 2019, 06:30), Dir.: Danijel Žeželj | Vinko Brešan
UNCLE THOMAS, ACCOUNTING FOR THE DAYS (Portugal/Canada/France 2019, 13:00), Dir.: Regina Passoa | National Film Board of Canada, Les Armateurs
URBAN SPHINX (Spain 2019, 05:00), Dir.: María Lorenzo | Enrique Millán
WHAT WILL FUTURE HUMANS LOOK LIKE? (Wales/UK 2019, 03:47), Dir.: Casey Raymond | Casey Raymond